Part 2: 5S Set In Order – Organise Your Bits

Once you have sorted through everything, the next step is to Set in Order (Seiton).  All the items that you deemed necessary in Part 1 can now be placed back in your workstation in a more organised manner. It is important to note that the Set In Order stage must be done after the Sort stage to ensure optimum effectiveness.


Why do you need to ‘Set In Order’?

The main aim of this step is create a standardised way of storing products. It means that anyone could come to your workstation and quickly retrieve what is required to complete the task. Is is essentially giving everything a home!

When choosing where to rehome the items, there a few things to consider:

  • Arrange tools/materials in order of use – if you use a tool all throughout the day, place it closer to you
  • If you regularly use items together, make sure they are stored together
  • If possible, place all tools within reach of the user so they do not have to reach, bend or twist too much to access them


How can I ‘Set In Order’ by workspace?

Let’s not forget, the main aim of the 5S methodology is to improve efficiency by reducing the amount a person needs to waste time searching for tools. If components and equipment are used less frequently, these can be placed in a central place where multiple teams can access them. An easy way to plan out how to organise the space is using a 5S map – this is a floor plan of the entire area and visualises where the tools, travel paths and workstations are intertwined.

Some teams prefer to map it out as they go, seeing what they use often and then making continuous improvements. Whereas, others prefer to draw up a map and then implement it physically

One acknowledged way of organisation is called ‘shadow boarding’. This consists of a board that holds tools; and every tool has an outline so you can immediately identify if it is missing/in use. This also encourages users of the tools to return them to their rightful place on the board for the next person to use. There are a range of shadow boards to choose from for all of your workplace requirements from first aid points to cleaning boards. It is also possible to get bespoke shadow boards made depending on your requirements.

Modulean Shadow Boards On Wall

Storage boxes and picking bins can also help to separate components with ease of access. No more wasted time spent searching through mixed screws for a specific size. By attaching picking bins to the back of workbenches, this can also help to create a more efficient workstation. Perfo panels and louvre panels can be used to store tools and components required.

Storage Containers Category Page Image

But the biggest thing of all is LABELLING! Each storage area should be labelled, whether it’s on the outside of cupboard door or on a shelf. This reduces the time is takes for the team to find what they are looking for and whether you need self adhesive label holders, magnetic ticket holders or document holders, there is an abundance of signage to solve this. Labelling keeps your bits and bobs organised and gives them a home address!



From the window…to the wall!

Organisation doesn’t stop at the workstation. It is important to utilise all workspace. Frame4Windows stick easily to windows, screens and glass panels to allow viewing from both sides. They can be used to display important information and notices. You can organise your workplace by displaying floorplans or office room layouts so team members and visitors don’t get lost.



We hope this is helpful. Get your bits organised and you’ll notice the benefits!

Next in our 5S series is Part 3: 5S Shine

Read Part 1: 5S Sort